This skill is crucial when you need to survive a flood. One of the tips was to get on a high surface, so imagine that you were on the rooftop of a building and that you saw someone in need of help on a dose building.

You take a look down and you see that the building your in is surrounded with water and no way to get to the other building roof than to jump!

The good news is that as humans we have natural potentaials to perform such jumps, but unfortunately these potentials are dormant from thousands of years!

Unlike other species, we are the only innovative creatures, and we always invent new ways to make our lives easier, including how to move and relocate.

So although our bodies are made to make big leaps from one place to another, we are no longer doing it, and we freeze if we face such a decision!
Fortunately you can recover such potential, and here is what you need to do:

1- Assess the Situation

The first thing you should do is study the distance you are going to cross.
The maximum distance a human can jump cross is around 10 feet, and you
can add a couple of extra feet if the roof you are going to jump to is lower than the roof you are on.

If you see that the distance you are going to jump is about 20 feet, then don’t try to be Superman, this is not the right time and place to show off!

2- Sprint

To achieve the 10 feet distance you need at least 40 to 60 feet of runway.
So get to your start point and sprint towards the edge of the building with the maximum speed you have.

3- Leap

Don’t just throw yourself from the top of the building, you might find yourself in the bottom on the sidewalk instead of the other rooftop!

You need to jump up and out! So force yourself to jump at a 45 degree angle like you are being fired from a canon, putting all your focus on the other rooftop you want to land on.

At the midway bring your knees up in front of you forming a 90 degree angle between your thighs and your body.

4- Land

When you see that you are close to touch the floor of the other building, straighten your legs and prepare to land on the balls of your feet.

Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent.
As you land your knees will automatically bend, but try to not let them go down below a 90 degree angle, as this will lead to you falling on your back and maybe hurting your head!

You should keep your balance to not fall on your back as you touch the floor, instead you will need to bend yourself forward and put your hands on the floor.

5- Roll

Once your hands first touch the floor roll on your shoulder across your back to the opposite hip.

6- In case You Did Not Make It

So you sprinted and jumped as hard as you can but instead of finding yourself on the other rooftop, you found yourself dangling from the building and holding onto the ledge. In this case you need to:

Bring your knees to your chest and press with your toes into the building, then push your legs up by your toes and at the same time pull your body up by your hands.

Push hard with your legs as they have much more power and strength than your arms, and you can rely on them for your safety.

When you see that your shoulders are at the level with the top of the ledge, move your hands so that your palms are flat against the surface of the ledge, straighten out your arms, and push your body up with your legs.

Lean forward on the surface of the ledge and try to crawl so that your center of gravity is on the safety side.

Once half of your body is on roof, bring your legs over the side.

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